Javad Taheri

Dear professor Taheri, it’s a pleasure to host you in Parsforte Magazine. Let’s get started by your activities on Nowruz in the past years in Isfahan city; please describe them for our audiences.

Most artworks are created to be seen, and it is demonstrated exactly in the urban works. The audiences encounter art immediately. On the other hand, urban works can affect directly and effectively the urban image and aspect. They are categorized in three forms, including each, temporary and occasional, which possess special functions. The urban activities will be settled in the permanent works provided to be designed, localized, and implemented immaculately to connect with the audience. I did my best to operate a fundamental action in this context to display the importance of public and urban art despite the complexity of urban problems.


What are the inspiring sources in your artwork due to the significance of ideation to celebrate a piece of art?

Ideas are the prevailing theme of the artworks and play a motivational role for artists. They can be born in various levels to fertilize and clarify the mind and thought. The environment, nature, and human experiences presented through artworks ( many fields) are among fundamental ideas in that they are a fantastic representation of the universe that helps to discover new ideas.


What are the influential topics and events you benefit from creating an artwork?

Thanks to exploring various domains, including human nature and the environment during different periods, I found out topics and concepts are not enough considered in the recent works.


Do you follow a particular style? Does it change over time?

I organize works according to the demands and necessities, and naturally, this process is subject to transformation and renovation. I do not insist on a particular style; however, it is possible to classify them in correspondence with various styles.


What are your selected materials and techniques due to their inevitable importance?

Material and technique are significant considerations in the modern world. Better to say that the material and technique navigate traditional and modern artists toward the canvas.


You have created over 30 urban artworks do they focus on particular topics?

The urban work is confined to the orderer, audience, and project executive; the artists cannot deal with different themes. They are not working freely in the personal studio to cover the desired topics. At the optimal level, the artists are allowed to go through their demands and the orderer to give birth to a specific subject in a particular place. Generally speaking, urban works consists of social subjects that conform with literature ( poetry, story, history), nature, environment, architecture ( traditional and historical aspects), and modern and contemporary outlooks.


As a university professor, do you believe in the necessity of academic education? Does it influence the development and promotion of artistic skills?

Art education is one of the critical ways to promote art knowledge. It is not only vital to bring about the artwork but to perceive the work and its characteristics by the ordinary people. The process of emotional development and expressing inner feelings will not happen through academic education. A significant number of artists call into being expressive and impressive works without being educated. After all, entering the academic art domain provides a chance to be familiarized with knowledge, theories, styles, behaviors, and artworks. We educate and may train others, but try to visualize the inner exigency and demands at the moment of creating a work.


You have been the chief manager of Isfahan Association of Painters from last year; please elaborate on your programs and proceedings?

The Association of Isfahan Painters plan and follows some programs such as investigating the modern arts and its relevant problems and facilitating the situation for postgraduate students of digital arts, conceptual art, philosophy of Arts. The association hopes to execute daylong painting workshops throughout the city to present the artists and create a relationship between the public and the artist. The next executory program is a preparation for an exhibition connected with designing, painting, video, and alignment, which focuses on the modern Man with themes of physical and spiritual life, isolation, hope, happiness, and personal and social relationships. The exhibit is anticipated to be held in January 2022 in cooperation with Isfahan Art Assembly.



Javad Taheri